Coaching Intake Forms

Congratulations! I commend you for deciding to make coaching a part of your life. As part of the coaching process, it will help me to know a little about your life and to be clear about what outcomes you desire. Transformation happens in the details, so please be as specific and detailed as possible. This will support you as we create a roadmap for the next several months and especially during your first few calls. Please type your answers directly into this document, email it to your coach, and save a copy for yourself. As a reminder, this and all information you share is confidential.

Note: This is not a test and there are no “right” answers. And while I do ask that you be specific, you do not have to write a book. Relax, take your time, and feel free to use bullet points. Please complete this form at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled coaching conversation. I encourage you to enjoy the process and see what you discover about yourself! I look forward to being a part of your coaching journey and am excited to see you create the life you desire.

Personal Information

Are there any health concerns or factors that currently affect your life? What treatments, support, or medications are you presently utilizing?
Please tell me a little about your family life – are you married; do you have children; are they young or grown; whom do you live with; are you happy with your current arrangement?
Have you worked with a coach before?
What are you currently tolerating in life that has been bothering you or dragging you down for some time? List as many as you like.
List as many as you like.
What kinds of conversations do you typically avoid or resist having with others? List specific examples if you’d like.
When you fail at something or when things aren’t going right, what kinds of things do you usually say to yourself? (These are conversations that usually happen in an instant, inside your head. Do you berate yourself, shame yourself, call yourself names, encourage yourself, or something else?)
Have you done any personality typing tests, and what results have you received (Enneagram, Myer’s-Briggs, DISC, etc.)?
Are there specific life-events that you would like me to be aware of? What feels important to you? Some people find it helpful to “share their story,” or create a timeline of important life events. I encourage you to use the space however you like.
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