Choosing New VIP: 1 on 1 Coaching

$1,000.00 / month

Choosing New VIP Coaching is a coaching experience that helps uncover how your past strategies may be limiting the potential that you have to offer the world. You will learn how to create a new relationship with these strategies so that they begin to serve you as you courageously encounter the world in only the way that you are designed to do. The world needs you, ALL OF YOU, and only you can offer your unique gifts to the world.

You will meet weekly with your coach to develop and execute your custom tailored action plan.


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Core Agreements

  • Be on time
  • Complete all assignments and action steps to the best of your ability.
  • Calls are 50 minutes, unless otherwise agreed
  • Established time slots may be renegotiated 24 hours in advance, any renegotiation of time is not guaranteed.

Note: please make sure your subscription is current at and payment has arrived prior to your first coaching session. Sessions can not be made up. Established time slots may be renegotiated one week in advance, any renegotiation of time is not guaranteed.

Disclaimer of Liability

Client (undersigned below) hereby contracts with Choosing New, Inc for personal coaching for the purpose of supporting the client with respect to client’s self-awareness, vision and goals, and strategic plans. Your coach has experience in such matters and agrees to render such coaching services. Client understands and Choosing New, Inc agrees that they are not an employment agent, financial analyst, psychotherapist, or business manager. We have not promised, shall not be obligated to, and will not 1) procure or attempt to procure employment, business or sales for the client 2) perform accounting services, tax advising or investment counseling or 3) act as a therapist, providing psychological counseling, psychoanalysis or behavioral therapy.

Additional information

Sessions per week

One, Two